
There are times when we think we are so right and others seem so wrong…

There are times when we did something and we think others deserve it…

There are times when we think we did the best for everyone’s good…

But someone was hurt back there…


The other time, we think the world is not fair…

When everything is going not right…

When we feel depressed, hurt, because of someone else…

When the world is somehow against you…

When you feel you are the most unlucky man in this world…

What goes around comes around


This is how the universe works…

What goes around comes around…

Especially when it happens so fast…

When you just hurt someone and you are hurt the next day, by a different person…

When you laugh and someone’s suffering then you suffered by the next day…

Who knows…?


When the universe is doing its work…

There’s nothing you can do to fight…

Just enjoy the flow…

Feel the pain…

Simply wait ‘til it’s over…

As there’s no day without night…

For you will appreciate the day better after the night…

For you will grow wiser under the storm…


There’s nothing else you can do…

When the universe did its work…

Hop Hop Hop…

No one ran away…




Waiting for the time to rebound…