When I was down, one of my good friend told me that if I cannot omit the negative things inside my mind, and when trying so hard to omit them hurt you even more, then just sit down and try to analyse.
When you feel that you can’t forgive someone and trying to forget it annoy you even more, try to analyse your mind stage at that time.
When you feel envy of others success and you just can’t accept it, try to analyse your mind stage at that time.
I don’t know why but I feel these sentences suit me the most. Sometimes when you are really down and depress, the regular advise will sound ridiculous. It won’t be able to calm you anymore.
People said “Even God can forgive us, why not you?” This will be the lamest advise. “If God really forgive the mankind, why are there hell below your feet???”
Then people said “It’s their own karma. They deserve their success”. Damn yeah…!!! I know that! You don’t need to tell me. I just can’t accept why my karma is not enough to reach that level.
Sit down and analyse… Just close your eyes… Feel those feelings… Breath slowly… Swallow all the negative feelings instead of bursting them out…
Swallow… Swallow… Swallow… Let the feelings unite with all the particles in your body…
And see the peace lies inside…